Type of Assistance
Regular LIHEAP Assistance is based on applications that are taken year round. Benefits are sent directly to the energy provider within 60 days of the last day of the month in which you apply, provided funding is available. Applications are given points based on the household's income level, percentage of income used for energy, and whether any household members are disabled, under the age of 6, veterans, or elderly. Depending on the amount of funding we have at the time of payments, the households with the highest points will be served first. A household may be placed on the waiting list and may be served later in the fiscal year if funding is limited.
An approved application is not a guarantee of service. You will need to pay your bills until you see your LIHEAP benefit on your account.
Emergency LIHEAP Assistance is reserved for families that are in crisis and have a cut off notice or have already been cut off. The household must have a member that is under the age of 6, disabled, or over the age of 60. If none of these apply, a household that has experienced an uncontrollable/unexpected loss of financial resources due to no fault of their own may also qualify for crisis assistance. This could mean that the household wage earner has died or left the home, a significant loss of work hours, loss of employment, or major household expense. Appropriate documentation is required for any of these circumstances. If eligible for crisis assistance, the applicant would receive a voucher to be given to their energy supplier the same day as service.
What you need to apply for assistance
1) Completed 2024 Application. Do not leave any area blank and make sure to sign and date the back.
2) Unexpired government issued ID for the applicant who signs the application.
3) Social security numbers for everyone in the house over a year old.
We can accept a social security card or a statement from the Social Security Administration with the number on it.
If you have a current food stamp case, we can get your numbers off of the DHS system.
4) Gross income proof for everyone in the house. We CANNOT use bank statements to prove any income except Social Security or SSI.
If anyone over the age of 18 is employed, we must have copies of the last 30 days of check stubs.
If there is anyone in the house over the age of 18 with no income, they must be listed on this zero-income form.
If anyone in the house is self-employed, this form needs to be filled out.
5) If anyone in the home is a veteran or active military member, please provide proof in the form of a military ID, VIC card, or DD214 form.
6) A 12-month printout from your electric and/or natural gas energy supplier or a printout from a home delivered energy supplier showing usage charges for the last 12 months. If you have lived at your address for less than 12 months, you can provide information for the amount of time you have lived there.
You can submit your application and all required documents by mail, fax, or email. Go to the Contact Us page for addresses and fax numbers.